
Hi! I’m Chelsey, an integrative therapist who works with adults who have experienced childhood trauma. My mission is to bring trauma-informed therapy to anyone seeking an alternative to just “getting by,” to being stuck in old patterns, held back by fears, insecurity, and/or unresolved pain.

Today I’m going to walk you through an example of how to increase your motivation and drive. I am going to use exercise and diet as an example for the sake of ease.

You are going to start by asking yourself this question:

Why do you want to do this in the first place?

What is the big end goal for exercise and diet change? Is it to look good in a swimming suit? Is it to have more energy? Is it so you can go on that hike you always wanted to do? Is it to feel more confident? Is it so you’ll feel good enough about yourself? Is it to attract a partner?

When you can answer that, the next step is to answer why, again.

If your first why was- “I want more confidence!WHY do you want more confidence? What would you be doing differently if you HAD more confidence? If you were confident what thoughts would you have about yourself? How would you interact with other people? What is it that this confidence would allow you to do or have?

Take your time. Sit with it. If the answer doesn’t come right away, be patient. Give yourself time: journal, daydream, talk it out with someone.

Sometimes you need to ask yourself why to that answer, too. This really pinpoints exactly what you really want!

Once you have explored and discovered your big why (your end goal) create an image in your mind seeing yourself there.

Create an actual image you can see. Make it the background on your phone or put it somewhere you will look at it every day.

Visualize yourself there every day.

When you do this, going out for a run gets easier, not eating the ice cream or the waffle fries gets easier because you KNOW what you want. And you start to believe and know you CAN actually have it.

Have a beautiful day!


P.S. Send emails anytime for support, feedback, questions, or to schedule a session.

“It is when we have the courage to speak up and share our stories that we stop hiding ourselves from the life we are meant to live.” Chelsey Fjeldheim, LCSW

Copyright © 2020 Chelsey Fjeldheim, Courage Speaks Counseling

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