Clinical Supervision

Chelsey offers highly sought-after clinical supervision and consultation services to therapists who are eager to specialize in trauma therapy. She firmly believes that the key to success lies in therapists exploring their own triggers and personal challenges while delivering exceptional care to their clients. Chelsey’s expertise and passion make her an invaluable resource for professionals looking to elevate their careers.

“Our clients are powerful catalysts for growth. By recognizing and addressing our own discomfort during sessions, we unlock the opportunity for profound self-reflection, healing our own traumas, and dismantling biases. This self-awareness not only minimizes burnout rates but also fuels an unwavering passion for a fulfilling and prosperous career.”

In addition to her clinical guidance, Chelsey is a proven authority in the business aspects of launching a thriving private practice. She takes pleasure in helping therapists cultivate a loyal and fulfilling clientele while streamlining their business operations and focusing on what they truly love.

If you are ready to take your career to the next level, Chelsey is here to empower you. Reach out today through the contact form or via email at to start a conversation about how she can support your professional growth and help you achieve your goals. Don’t miss this exceptional opportunity!

Supervisee Testimonial


Hello. I am Laurie Sweeney

Chelsey's presence in my professional journey has been a profound blessing. I began working with her for supervision during my masters program, and then transitioning to my candidate license. Chelsey's collaborative approach to supervision is characterized by encouragement and gentle guidance. She helps me navigate complex situations, fostering an environment where I feel empowered to explore new modalities and expand my capabilities. Chelsey's ability to help me work through challenges is invaluable. Her encouragement pushes me beyond my comfort zone, facilitating significant personal and professional growth. I am incredibly grateful that our paths crossed.


Hello. I am Colleen Turk, LCPC

I am Colleen Turk, LCPC and originator of Living Well Therapy Services. When I sought Chelsey our for supervision for my post-graduate hours as a PCLC, I did not even dream of having my own practice until many years down the road. Chelsey’s growth-oriented way of moving through life, however, benefits her supervisees as well as anyone else who chooses to invest in discovering what they are capable of doing and who they are capable of being. Under Chelsey’s supervision, I was able to envision being not only the top-notch, effective trauma therapist I had hoped to become, but a businesswoman as well. Supervision with Chelsey included more perks than I can do justice to here, but a few of them are:

Professional Growth Follows Personal Growth: Chelsey holds at least two world-class trauma retreats per year. These Unfolding retreats are as unique as Chelsey herself (for more information, see At my first Unfolding retreat, I was a participant, fully immersed in the experience. This gave me an opportunity to not only see things from the other side, but to benefit from the process of healing and self-discovery available to all of Chelsey’s attendees. This, I realized later, is the priceless benefit of being supervised by Chelsey: I really grew and continue to grow at each retreat. Graduate school prepared me for and emphasized personal growth, and I knew the importance of “getting one’s own work done in order to be an effective counselor.” However, it wasn’t until I experienced these retreats that I realized how much more my personal and professional growth are intertwined than I could have ever imagined. Several of these retreats have since followed, wherein I was a co-facilitator, again punctuating the never-ending cycle of personal and professional growth.

Presentation Opportunities: Chelsey’s retreats hold the opportunity to present on topics dedicated to the facilitation of healing from complex trauma. My area of interest includes all things Science, and, with respect to trauma, my passion is Epigenetics, or what I call “The Science of Hope.” Chesley has integrated Epigenetics into the psychoeducation portion of our retreats, which allows me the time and space to present, in my favorite interactive style, on this topic as it pertains to our theme. She also encourages our team of facilitators to collaborate and upgrade our presentations based on participants’ feedback. This has allowed me to be a work-in-progress, staying on top of the research as well as delivery method.

Challenges Reframed: Every therapist has their most challenging clients. For me, the most challenging clients are those who do not know why they are in counseling to begin with, and seem to come with the hopes that I will know. Chelsey has a way of turning my most challenging clients into someone I can’t wait to get to know better. While holding space for my perplexed state, she guides me toward those parts of myself which may be confused and/or triggered by “stuckness.” This has impacted me as a therapist and beyond. Chelsey’s manner of challenging me has since become organically integrated into my own style of working with clients, with extraordinary success. I no longer wish some clients would “just come back when they’re ready.” Instead, I look forward to the challenges of each and every session as opportunities for personal growth all around!

Career Vision: In addition to helping me to become business savvy, which was completely foreign to me, Chelsey helped me find confidence in my career vision. Getting to know Chelsey has exposed me to the respected professionals in this community and given me the confidence to begin networking. I have since been able to connect for referrals for my clients as well as be on the receiving end of referrals and recommendations. The network has grown to include many types of providers for the range of medical, mental health, and other special needs that my clients and their loved ones have. My career vision has slowly been forming around an observation: we are hurt in relationships, and we heal in relationships. We cannot go it alone, nor is it simple to “create a new tribe,” as we so often read. Sometimes, doing the internal work has a domino effect on our other relationships, and it’s the only thing we have influence over anyway. So let’s start there, with learning to love and care for Self. Then re-evaluate and modify as necessary. My goal is to bring serenity to my community, one soul at a time, beginning with the one inside of me and next, the one in front of me. I cannot go it alone either, and I am grateful for Chelsey’s supervision and the network of professionals I have come to know through her to accomplish my vision.

I could go on, happily, with more examples highlighting Chelsey’s influence on my current success and confidence as a therapist, but instead will wrap this up by saying that Chelsey’s gift to me was seeing me for my gifts and investing in me. Chelsey held nothing back, but rather poured her best into helping me to become my best. In perpetual gratitude, I can only hope to see her good work spread about as she helps future supervisees grow.


All the very best,

Colleen Turk, LCPC

Living Well Therapy Services