When life is “good” and you’re still not happy…


You have a good life. You should be happy, but you’re not.

What is keeping you from feeling fulfilled?

What is it that you want? –Such a simple question, however, the answers don’t always come easy.


Maybe, you believe you can’t have what you truly want. You suppress your desires. Then, you tell yourself a different story—one that fits with the life you know–the life you have now. 

This story is based on beliefs that have been passed down to you through generations and the beliefs you have formed through your own experiences.  This story is based on the beliefs you have about yourself and what you think you deserve in this life. 

Now here you are, saying to yourself——

“I have a good life. I should be happy. But I’m not. “

From the outside it looks like everything is great! Just like it’s supposed to be. But great for who? Who decided what was good for your life, anyway? Was it you?

Question what you think you know. 

What is missing in your life? What is it that you have denied yourself? Forgotten? What do you feel you are incapable of having or doing, but always wanted?

Take some time to answer the questions. Journal, talk to someone, meditate on these questions.

What are you ready to start moving towards?

What’s one thing you’re willing to do to start changing your life for the better?

You deserve to have a truly good life, in whatever way that looks to you (even if it’s different than what you believe right now.)

Have a beautiful day!


P.S. Send emails and tell me the one thing you are willing to do this week to feel just a little bit better.

Or feel free to contact me anytime for support, feedback, questions or to schedule a session.

“It is when we have the courage to speak up and share our stories that we stop hiding ourselves from the life we are meant to live.” Chelsey Fjeldheim, LCSW

Copyright © 2020 Chelsey Fjeldheim, Courage Speaks Counseling

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