What we need

We all need love, acceptance, understanding, and care…we want to be heard and seen…and we try to find it by scrolling through social media.

Ah! Yes..they get me.

Oh, I never thought of that before! I bet that’s me.

Yep! I think that is me! For sure…I meet all the marks.

Oh, it’s all making sense now…this is definitely me!

We want to fit in somewhere….anywhere. We want to be understood—to belong. And ”this” seems to make sense so I’ll say this is me…..maybe it’s me……maybe people could understand me from here……maybe I could understand me from here………

I wonder who you’d be if you couldn’t look it up? If you had to sit with yourself—sit with your confusion …..

What would you discover about yourself if your only resources were your brain, your heart, and your spirit… I wonder who you’d be without all the noise….

Remember: No one knows you better than you do. You don’t find yourself by reaching out. You find yourself by looking in.

*The Unfolding retreat is a place to sit without the noise, to give yourself the space to looking within, to feel the love you hold within. Want more info click here.

Copyright © 2022 Chelsey Fjeldheim, Courage Speaks Counseling

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Address: 65 Commons Way, Kalispell, MT 59901