What has your heart been trying to tell you?

What has your heart been telling you

——We start thinking with our heads. We quiet our hearts. And we forget what it feels like to be whole—-

“Start thinking with your heart, not your head,” he said.
“But how?” she asked
“You must first trust your heart,” he said.
“You must show your heart that you are willing to listen. “

“And how do I do that?”

“Trust takes time and patience. Sit. And listen. When your heart is ready, you will know. It will fill you up with all the things you couldn’t remember you wanted for your life.

You have chosen a path much different than your hearts desire. And you have forgotten that. You have allowed your mind to jumble things up and confuse you. And your heart paces—waiting for you to listen. But you can no longer hear it. So you keep pushing along. But you can feel it—deep inside. Disconnection. Discontentment in life.

Come back to your wholeness. Be gentle with yourself. Sit. Listen. Ask your heart to forgive you—for fear got in the way. Sit. And listen. The trust will come. And you will be whole again. And your heart will tell you everything you need to know. And if you have the courage to listen—-oh the life you will live!

Copyright © 2019 Chelsey Fjeldheim, Courage Speaks Counseling

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