Traumas aren’t comparable


“Secretly, I sometimes wish that something really bad did happen to me so I’d have a reason to be this broken.

I hear all these stories of horrible childhoods, really traumatic experiences and I don’t have any of those. I have no reason to feel like this, to be like this, to have this many problems. What is wrong with me?”


The same belief can come from very different experiences. It could be created by horrific abuse or by a parent that works so hard to give you the best life and in turn isn’t available to meet your emotional needs.

These are two very different experiences and yet – they can create the exact same belief.

When we live our lives believing, for example, ‘I have no value’. – no matter where the belief came from – we are going to behave as though we have no value.

This is why traumas are not comparable.

In the end, no matter how the belief was created – we will walk through this life proving to ourselves over and over again that it’s true.

….until we see our deeper truth.

Copyright © 2022 Chelsey Fjeldheim, Courage Speaks Counseling

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