The speaker

You go with an expectation to hear something profound. For the speaker to tell you something that is going to create change in you, give you insight into yourself, expand your consciousness in some way.

And all you hear is silence.

You stand there waiting, expecting, hoping for what you have come here to receive. A minute goes by. Silence. Five minutes go by and the speaker just stands there. Silence.

You start to look around, wondering if something’s wrong? What’s going on? You shuffle and feel uncomfortable. Why isn’t he talking?

The speaker continues to stand there looking out over the crowd. Just standing there. And you start to notice something.

You hear the voices in you saying things. Telling you things. Building a story for you to make sense of what is happening right now. The silence is so loud!

Thirty minutes go by and still, nothing. People are whispering to each other now. The stories are circulating the room. And the speaker continues to stand there silently.

People start yelling, “Speak! We came here for you. Speak to us. Tell us something!!”

And the speaker still stands holding the microphone not saying a word.

The crowd is getting mad. What did I come here for? What is this? Why isn’t he giving us what we want?

And slowly the room begins to go quiet again. And one by one they sit down silently.

They close their eyes. And everything they came here for comes. To each one of them. In their own way. From inside.

The speaker walks off the stage and sits amongst the crowd. In silence. Hearing his own truth from within, for he is them.

We all have something so profound within us.
What if we allowed for the possibilities to come to us, to come from us and create the most beautiful existence we already are?

Copyright © 2020 Chelsey Fjeldheim, Courage Speaks Counseling

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