How to have difficult conversations about the past

difficult conversations about the past

Something you said to me when I was __(age) has continued to stick with me.

I’d love to talk it through with you. If you aren’t comfortable with it that’s okay.

I am working on beliefs about myself that seem to be keeping me stuck in the past and in patterns I’m working to move forward from.

If you feel pulled to have this conversation with me, maybe we can help each other in some way. If having this conversation with me feels heavy and overwhelming, it’s okay to say no, or not respond.

Because there is a part of me holding on so tightly to this moment, I wondered if there is a place for healing within you too.

—Healthy communication and repair comes when all parties involve have a regulated nervous system. Asking for permission with compassion towards the other tells their nervous system it’s safe. Until there is safety, repair is unavailable to the system.

Copyright © 2023 Chelsey Fjeldheim, Courage Speaks Counseling

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