Healing difficult relationships

healing difficult relationships

There is a place for healing difficult relationships. It doesn’t even have to be hard. It just takes a conversation that starts with loving intention, care and a willingness to listen to what the other person has to say.

Just because their reality is different than yours doesn’t mean they are wrong—It doesn’t mean you are wrong either.

What if you are both right? From the perspective each of you is looking from—from the reality each of you is living in—I image you both are right.

By expressing love and care and acknowledge the hurts where we can—this is how we repair relationships.

To be able to listen from the other’s perspective allows you to see it from their angle. When this happens-you can apologize genuinely, because you get it. You can also see from your own perspective and forgive yourself or them, too.

We are all human. Be kind to each other. Be kind to yourself.

Copyright © 2023 Chelsey Fjeldheim, Courage Speaks Counseling

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