Do you reminisce or resolve?


A new year is coming….

Sure, I could do something “better” or different than I am right now. Yes, of course I could exercise more, eat less sugar, or spend more time meditating.

It seems to me there are enough of these moments in life that show us it’s time to let something go or do something different. I don’t want to add more of those times by creating that kind of thinking each time the year turns over.

I’d way rather reminisce than resolve.

What am I proud of this year? What beautiful experiences have I enjoyed this year? What made me laugh? What did I do that I’d never done before? What do I know today that I didn’t know a year ago?

Yes, for me this feels good, accepting, loving and kind. And when the clock strikes 12 and a New Year becomes— I will know that I’ll be ready for another year full of unknowns that will create wonderful new experiences for me to reminisce about next year.

May you all have a beautiful holiday season however you choose to celebrate.

Copyright © 2019 Chelsey Fjeldheim, Courage Speaks Counseling

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