Be kind to the child inside

Child inside you

You don’t have to keep choosing old ways of Being. When you notice a behavior or old pattern of thinking you wish to change try this:

When I do something unkind to myself I will give myself love. I will take care of me. I will do the things that keep me healthy physically and mentally. I will show myself love. *shower, wash my face, eat healthy food, exercise, meditate, journal

I will reject negative self talk which when listened to continues the cycle of doing more unkind things to myself. *I will say kind loving words to myself. I love you too much to let you keep hurting yourself. I believe in you. You deserve love and kindness and it starts right now with me.

I will reject self sabotaging behavior and do something that feels good for me and/or my body.* Get a massage, take a bath, exercise, sit in silence, give myself space to be alone, spend time with people that I feel good around, try something new.

Copyright © 2020 Chelsey Fjeldheim, Courage Speaks Counseling

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